Accessory drive belts keep everything turning off of the crank pulley. Generator, fans, water pumps and AC compressors all rely on this belt to keep everything working properly. If your drive belt is getting old, cracking, glazing, or squeaking, replace it.
It's easy to see when the belts are beginning to wear. Visually, the belt will begin to glaze on the underside, making it far less effective. Cracks can appear on the back of the belt from “dry rot” caused by exposure to engine heat or age. Squealing is common on worn belts which basically means that the belt is slipping on pulleys. In either case, your vehicle needs a new belt.
Do you have all the tools to do the job? Some VW/Audi fasteners need special tools to remove. Make sure by browsing through our tool section.
11.5x755 size
- 115X755
- 11-5X755